Claudia Barros

  • mensagem encorajamento
    “There are so many preconceived ideas attached to mental health conditions, usually associated with weakness”

    There are so many preconceived ideas attached to mental health conditions, usually associated with weakness and lack of decisiveness to overcome such conditions. Feelings like shame and repression should be fought against, as they bring people who might be struggling further down. In today’s society, we are expected to move fast and keep up with how fast it moves, that it may sometimes seem there is no time to stop or take some time to reflect or understand how to get to where we are. Medication is used as the only solution to improve how we feel, and no further inner search is done to observe and understand our feelings.
    In my opinion, what really should matter is the search, the self-acceptance and the self-discovery without any judgment. What matters is to reach an understanding of the world as an opportunity-filled place ready to be explored with others around us rather than a dark unknown place.

    Message of Encouragement
    FCT-UNL Master’s in Computer Science Student, june 2020


    Sharing allows us to learn through other people’s experiences and your testimonials and messages matter to us. If you would like to share, send us your message to

  • testemunho
    “I was a bit hesitant when I first started attending sessions with a NOVA psychologist”

    I was a bit hesitant when I first started attending sessions with a NOVA psychologist, as I thought a psychologist could only support people dealing with serious topics like depression. Now, I must admit that being part of these sessions was one of the best decisions I could have made. Even though I didn’t suffer from any severe symptoms, I felt the need of talking with someone who could help me understand and solve some small internal struggles in a concise and efficient way. I still have a long way to go, but I can admit that, thankfully to the sessions, I feel much better and I can see the world from a different perspective.

    FCT NOVA Student, june 2020


    Sharing allows us to learn through other people’s experiences and your testimonials and messages matter to us. If you would like to share, send us your message to

  • testemunho
    “I was given a hand to hold and counselling brought back up from the abyss.”

    I slowly and unknowingly lost control over my emotions during the winter of 2016. I sometimes felt I could not breathe and that each moment I was chased by incessant thoughts that stopped me from sleeping, working or loving. Panic attacks became constant, and I cried a lot and felt angry. I felt exposed and fragile and all I wanted was not to feel like that any longer. I was given a hand to hold and counselling brought back up from the abyss. I understood that asking for help wasn’t something to be embarrassed of nor a sign of weakness. Slowly, I healed, and I learned how to cope in a healthier way with my feelings and how to share my thoughts with those around me. I feel stronger than before, and I managed to conclude my doctorate! I hope that whoever reads my testimonial learns that therapy can really help saving a life. Thank you!

    FCT NOVA Student, may 2020


    Sharing allows us to learn through other people’s experiences and your testimonials and messages matter to us. If you would like to share, send us your message to

  • mensagem encorajamento
    “Sometimes, we think that reaching out and asking for help is a sign of weakness but I would say that it is actually the opposite”

    Sharing our personal experiences and talking about them is very important, however, we do not always have the right person to listen. I encourage all students that feel they need to talk about any matters, whether personal or academic ones, to do so and use this platform and reach out to a NOVA counsellor. Sometimes, we think that reaching out and asking for help is a sign of weakness but I would say that it is actually the opposite: Asking for help and support shows courage, bravery and willingness to take action and improve on all life aspects.

    Message of encouragement
    FCT-UNL Doctorate student, april 2020


    Sharing allows us to learn through other people’s experiences and your testimonials and messages matter to us. If you would like to share, send us your message to

  • testemunho
    “It can be helpful to talk with someone who can help us understand how to achieve our goals”

    We all know the academic journey is not always an easy one, and sometimes it can be helpful to talk with someone who can help us understand how to achieve our goals and how to better organise our ideas. I must say that, after my 2 year break from academic life, I first struggled to adjust when I decided to join the NOVA master’s degree in Management. Having regular sessions with NOVA´s psychologist helped a lot with my integration back to academics, and also on how to improve my time and management, and better understanding of my potential. Not only did the psychologist help me with my academic challenges but also with my own daily struggles, family issues and self-development questions. I am so grateful for having the possibility of being able to have a health professional available as a student, considering how beneficial it was for me.

    Master’s Student in Management at Nova SBE, 2019 – 2020


    Sharing allows us to learn through other people’s experiences and your testimonials and messages matter to us. If you would like to share, send us your message to

  • Gestao Emocional PhD
    NOVA’s FCSH’s PSII+ promotes sessions about emotional management for students in Masters and PhD’s

    Every semester, NOVA FCSH’s Psychology, Inclusion and Equality Services (PSII+) promotes online and/or physical sessions aimed at supporting students who are attending the non-educational components of masters and doctorates that wish to develop their emotional management skills during that process. Participation in this program is free of charge.

    “PhD – The last kms of a marathon” is a program split in 10 thematic sessions of 2h each.  Despite every session’s theme, the program has a sequence. Aside from the programmed editions, if there is a group of at least 5-6 people, a non programmed group can also be made.

    The program made for Master’s students consists of 8 sessions of 1h30 each. In a similar manner to the previous program, each session works as an individual workshop but as a program, there is a sequence. The next edition is programmed to start in June,  but if there are 6 individuals interested, a non programmed group may start aswell.

    These programs are based on the recognition that there are more and more people taking Masters and Doctorate online classes, and on scientific evidence, of the impact they have on students mental and physical health. If you are interested in joining this group or more information, please send an email to

    NOVA FCSH’s Psychology, Inclusion and Equality Services (PSII+) are located at Tower A’s office 311.

    Gabinete PsII+
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  • testemunho covid 6
    “I felt annoyed, sometimes without apparent motive, and I learnt to find ways of recovering my energy.”

    Through most of the pandemic I was able to pay more attention to my reactions.
    There were moments of high anxiety due to uncertainty, but it was also a period in which I did many exercises to put myself in other people’s shoes. I had to make choices beyond my own interests and deal with the frustrations of having some projects shut down or put on standby for an unknown length.

    I realized the importance of my personal space, so that I could stay in good terms with my family. I felt scared that I wouldn’t see my parents and grandparents again, and impotence knowing that, even if I wanted to help them and other people, I had limitations.

    I felt annoyed, sometimes without motive, and learnt to find ways of recovering my energy. It’s a constant process of self-growth.


    Your testimonial and messages matter. Send us an email to if you would like to share your experience.

  • distanciamento social
    COVID 19 : About social distancing
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