“Sometimes, we think that reaching out and asking for help is a sign of weakness but I would say that it is actually the opposite”

Sharing our personal experiences and talking about them is very important, however, we do not always have the right person to listen. I encourage all students that feel they need to talk about any matters, whether personal or academic ones, to do so and use this platform and reach out to a NOVA counsellor. Sometimes, we think that reaching out and asking for help is a sign of weakness but I would say that it is actually the opposite: Asking for help and support shows courage, bravery and willingness to take action and improve on all life aspects.

Message of encouragement
FCT-UNL Doctorate student, april 2020


Sharing allows us to learn through other people’s experiences and your testimonials and messages matter to us. If you would like to share, send us your message to testemunhos@thebridge.unl.pt.

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