Claudia Barros

  • Medical Student Support Group

    SASNOVA Psychology
    Medical Student Support Group, Nova Medical School 6th Grade

    Beginning April 6, Tuesdays at 7pm

    More information

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  • Therapeutic Groups

    Weekly therapeutic group sessions that last 1h30.

    Conductor: Rosa Castro André
    Available for portuguese and international students.

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  • Testemunho Treino da Mente
    “It allowed me to explore my spiritual side without a religious aspect…”

    It allowed me to explore my spiritual side without a religious aspect, which is something that I’d never managed to do due to a lack of opportunity. It alerted me to new questions and helped me answer some related to the human consciousness and behavior.

    Testimonial – Mind training programme
    SBE’s Masters student


    Sharing allows us to learn through other people’s experiences and your testimonials and messages matter to us. If you would like to share, send us your message to <b><u><a href=””></a></u></b>.

  • Testemunho FCSH
    “…helped me unravel my preconceived notion of what meditation is…”

    The Mind training programme helped me unravel my preconceived notion of what meditation is, presenting it as an accessible practise available to all and with scientifically proven benefits for our mind. This program is great for those who are curious about this topic and wish to start a regular practise, joining both theory and practical knowledge.

    Testimonial – Mind training programme
    FCSH Doctorate student


    Sharing allows us to learn through other people’s experiences and your testimonials and messages matter to us. If you would like to share, send us your message to <b><u><a href=””></a></u></b>.

  • When the earth trembles: Strategies to cope with anxiety

    8 sessions to learn how to deal with anxiety

    Conducted by Ana Gaspar and Liliana Ribeiro

    Begins: 27/04/2021 at 14h30pm

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  • video três formas de curar a ansiedade
    3 steps to dealing with anxiety
  • The Mind Training Program is now available – Sign up!


    “Meditating is learning to manage your thoughts and emotions… After all it is staying in the fundamental nature of the mind” (Mathieu Ricard)

    The mind training programme holds a specific training that deals with one’s capacity to focus and interior well-being. It consists of meditation workshops, and contents about the inner workings of the mind and conscience, with the aim of exploring the relationship between mental states, the human brain and meditation. It’ll teach you meditative techniques to deal with anxiety and attention difficulty.

    Click here to see the program’s structure.

    Mind Training Program I “Focus vs Anxiety”
    Tuesdays from 8h30 to 10hpm
    6 sessions: 6/4; 13/4; 20/4; 27/4; 4/5; 11/5
    This edition has ended.
    Total cost: 18€ (This amount will revert in favor of a student ‘s funding).

    Mind Training Program II “Emotional Training”
    Tuesdays from 20h30 to 22h
    3 sessions: 06/07; 13/07; 20/07
    This edition has ended.
    Total cost: 18€ (This amount will revert in favor of a student ‘s funding)

    Mind Training Program III “Healthy Relationships”
    This edition has ended.
    Total Cost: 18€ (This amount will revert in favor of a student ‘s funding)

    The Mind Training Program: “Meditation and neuroscience.”

    19th November, from 2pm to 4pm, in the NOVA sport’s room (Campolide Campus)

    This edition has ended.

    Sign up with:

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  • video 6 recomendações lidar com stress
    6 recommendations for dealing with stress
  • video problemas saúde mental
    COVID 19 : Mental Health Problems
  • testemunhos confinamento, parceria nova law school
    Testimonials and lessons learned about Confinement

    Read the testimonials of NOVA students and understand the message implicit behind them.

    The recent covid-19 pandemic has shaken the foundation of relationships we forge with the outside world, forcing us to disconnect from something we knew so well.

    It was also this virus that changed the relationships we have established with our inner self, forcing us to spend more time with ourselves, which was proven a challenge for many of us.

    While we could see this new reality as an opportunity to get to know ourselves, as the social being that exists in us that is not meant to be closed off has increased cases of stress, depression and anxiety. These reasons show  the importance of discussing mental health. What is intended with this project is to share (anonymous) student testimonials about how Covid-19 impacted  their mental health.

    Ana Teixeira, law student at NOVA Law SU


    It’s a global pandemic, it’s scary and it’s something that we’ve never experienced. But it’s also important to realize that it’s normal for us to feel anxious.

    It is important to maintain routines and regular physical activity. Other routines may appear to replace the old ones, connecting with others has to be done in different ways and it is essential.

    It is important to be aware of stress and sadness signs. We must also control the time we are engaged with the news, it is important to protect ourselves and to not be negative.

    In a partnership between NOVA Law SU and SAS NOVA Psychology Office.

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