This may be, for some students, their first experience living away from their family
Attending university is an extremely fertile part of life, in terms of challenges, knowledge and personal growth.
It is the transition between high school and a much bigger, more diverse reality.
Students with educational special needs may sometimes need countervailing measures to study
These measures are subject to an evaluation from psychologists and, for that, an Educational Special Needs Statute is required. In order to obtain it, there is a procedure in place at NOVA, and there is a form to be filled and given to Administrative Services.
Special Needs Education
Students with Special Educational Needs are considered to be those who fall under the categories defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD):
a) Transnational category A: includes students with medical disabilities or disabilities as organic disorders attributable to organic pathologies, as example, associated with sensory, motor or neurological disabilities. It is considered that the educational need emerges primarily from problems attributable to these deficiencies.
b) Transnational category B: students with behavioral or emotional disorders or with specific learning difficulties. It is considered that the educational need emerges primarily from problems in the interaction between the student and the educational context.
Students who have the status may need a set of particular educational resources, throughout or part of their school path in order to facilitate their academic, personal and socio-emotional development. It should be noted that these conditions may be permanent or temporary.
It is a right, not a privilege, so it is important to take appropriate and anti-discriminatory measures while maintaining the quality of the teaching and learning process.
For some students, their academic journey will be their first experience living far from home and their loved ones
Being away usually creates a lot of expectations and means people will have to say goodbye to what is familiar to them, from friends and family to the places they are used to being around.
Exploring a different city, meeting new people, or developing language skills are very exciting parts of living and studying abroad. However, it can sometimes be harder to adjust than initially expected, and can lead to social isolation or lack of motivation. Even though it is normal to take some time to adjust to a new reality, it is important to self-evaluate and ask for help if necessary.